Spotlight on Dr. Clevinger

Nov 10, 2023 | Giving Tuesday, Spotlight

Dr. Roger Clevinger joined the RAHC staff in 2022 as a primary care physician with a focus on internal medicine for adults and the treatment of complex health issues.

Born and raised in Buchanan County in the far west of the state, Clevinger spent the bulk of his nearly 30-year medical career in Williamsburg and Tappahannock, and for 15 years served as an army flight surgeon in the Virginia National Guard.

As rewarding as those years were, Dr. Clevinger says his return to primary care in a rural community is especially gratifying.

“Where I grew up, access to care was always difficult,” he says. “My hometown was even more rural than here, but there’s a strong similarity in the makeup of the community. They’re hard-working people trying to get by. Which is why I believe so strongly in RAHC’s mission to ensure that everyone can get the healthcare they need.”

“A significant number haven’t been to a doctor in decades, owing either to financial constraints or from a lack of habit,” he says. “When a health crisis brings them in, it opens an opportunity to help establish a routine of regular care.”

Clevinger believes that RAHC’s sliding scale payment system and growing presence in remote areas of the county are key factors in making RAHC a place he’s proud to work.

The opening of the medical office at Kendal at Lexington last autumn, where Dr. Clevinger sees patients twice a week, carries that mission forward. The office serves Kendal residents and non-residents alike. Many of his patients prefer the Kendal office over the main RAHC facility, Clevinger says, because of its small size and intimate atmosphere.

Support the mission of the Rockbridge Area Health Center with your Giving Tuesday donation today!

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